Tuesday 30 September 2008

Craft and Concept

The Craft in experimental films is all the colours, special effects and the use of all the different types of camera angles, also using computers to create something people use in the pieces of work, to make them generally good, its all in the imagination, what people see in there own eyes. The Craft in art base is about the creation of an original piece of work from a creator such as leonardo di vinchi his work is very hard to fake.
The Concept in experimental film is the meaning of the persons actual piece of work, and you can look at it in so many ways, like a video I saw with the world in fast forward passing this boy sitting on a bench staring at the camera, then gets up and the film speeds round the town. to me it was the everyday world in fast motion, but people will look at it in there own way.

The Second Picture I Took At Brighton

This ia an particular angle of an grafitti wall, is to me intresting as it caught my eye, thinking about the dark side of Brighton, the two people look hurt in so much pain, they are screaming, it is fantastic art work.

Monday 29 September 2008

Video of the student

The other video i have chosen is a last years media studant called ludias:
now his video was very creative, he had a few people in his video beeb boxing and making noises with there teeth, hands, mouth, it all went into a rythum, it was just so clever the way it was done. he was an amazing beeb boxer very creative, it has gave me some ideas for my piece of experimental video. mind you i will not be able to get to his standered.


The class watched two experimental videos, three were profesional and three were from studants last year, and we are to chose two out of all of them, and write what we think about each.

my first one I really like was "Telling lies", which was one of the profesional one's created by Simon Ellis. The duration of the clip is 4 minuets long. The cast are Tim Cunningham, Sarah Tutt, Juliet Jones, Shaun Mechen, Penny Linfield

His video was just a conversation between a load of people, about what happened last night. The main person was a young guy, he was called at three in the afternoon, he was not happy about that, as he was out last night with a few mates, and they all slept with others ,which they were not suposed to, then they all start lying to each other pretending nothing happened.

you dont see anything, you just here all there conversations between them, and you just see the diffrent coloured word's coming up on screen.

it was very funny to listern to, its just the type of thing youngters get up to these days, one of the voices was the main charecters mum, we were just chuckling away at them talking to each other.

Monday 22 September 2008

Brighton Trip

This picture shows that Brighton looks like a dumping ground, nobody cares, no one has respect for there town, they just dump all there rubish anywhere, and just leave it. Thats why i took it as we were supose to be looking at the dark side of the town, there was grafitti all over the walls over grown weeds.

what does Experimental Media mean

Hi everyone,
my name is Jill and i am on a media course and i will be telling you all about the media industry.

To me experimental media means trying all types of technology in the media industry like cameras, radio equipment, memory sticks, and anything else you need to use in media, experimenting with them, by useing them in diffrent ways, by daring to do more then just turn on the camera and recording a sertain scene or just taking a simple photo. you need to get diffrent expectations out of just using a simple piece of equipment.

out of the Experimental Media i would like to be able to produce either a radio/music blog or just a bit of filming and a few photos to this intresting website.