Tuesday 7 October 2008

1. Discuss

We looked at a few pieces of experimental video we looked at, Koyaanisqasti, by Godfrey Reggio in 1982, The second was, 1001 nights by Jananne Al-Ani made in 1998.

They are only similar in the concept aspects, as they are both different pieces, with a similar idea behind them. The concept is the same as they give you a sequence into the future. As they both give you an insight to what is expected, of the world in chaos, mind you in 1001 nights its five Young women telling other peoples stories and experiences of war and in Koyaanisqsti its more a metaphorical message that comes across.

We also watched 'The Girl Chewing Gum' and 'Telling Lies' these videos stand out individually with a unique concept then any other video we have watched.

The Girl Chewing Gum gives you an idea, that it is being directed as it is being filmed, It soon becomes obvious when some birds fly across the frame when they say, this film is a both concept and craft, it is hard to say which of the two is stronger, as the concept is very clever also strong. It must have been a lot of effort and time to make this video. The craft and concept for this film have got to be equal.
Like I said the video for Telling Lies is a unique film as well very a clever concept, mind you it does rely on the more concept base, if you can not grasp the concept by others for this piece it would have no foundation. It mainly works on the fact that often people will say one thing, but think something else, it maybe to stop hurting someone’s feelings with a small lie, or it could be just to save your own back and not telling the truth, the film is everyone having a conversation whilst on the telephone, we are listening to the conversations between the people, while we are reading what the person talking is actually thinking, although no doubt a lot of time was taken to make the video, the basis and main structure for Telling lies definitely has a in concept.
COLOUR in telling lies is just a black screen, with rainbow words flashing up on screen, there is no picture in any of the frames, as the people are talking, that is different from 1001 nights, this film has grey screen with a black strip across the middle, with five woman just standing there, in the frames, then in ludias film the colour is natural, you can say its not a professional film.

DIEGETIC Ludias film was as you could see the noise that was going on, five people using parts of their body such as their hands, mouths, and the props he used to make a rhythm. Also it’s the same for 1001 nights you can see the Five woman all lined up talking and the only other sound is the crackling in the background, where as Telling lies is non-diegetic as you can not see them talking you just here it.

PACE in koyaanisqatsi is very slow then it speeds up and goes fast then it calms down and goes very slow to the end, compared to telling lies were it is just speedy all the way through, till the end were it calms down for the credits then it’s a bit fast and it stops, and 1001nights its just the same pace all the way through, there’s no change.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Good Jill. Try not to get caught discussing one film. Try and make you points revolve around the subject i.e Pace and use the examples to explain this. Then move onto another subject i.e soundtrack. Your writing is clear and you express what you want to say well you just need to group your arguments more. Try not to just tell me what is happening in the work.