Tuesday 7 October 2008


Every video we watched have a narrative structure although some are more obvious than others, Some of the films we looked at had a narrative order but with exceptions, 1001 nights there is no traditional structure to this film, as there are five short stories told by women, when they open, the film does not have a certain order begging, middle, and end so what ever it is structured the meaning does not change the coordination, we th audience would probably see this film as very strange as it's not a traditional narative order.

Then you have Koyaanisqatsi at the beginning is the cave drawings with calm music, costing to make this film would have been alot, as there is an Arial view of the planet, it must of been from a helicopter. In the middle it shows day to day life, everyone at work, the creator has put it in fast forward motion to make it look, the whole world is in a rush, during the film there is this slow explosion which is the conclusion how the world will end, then it goes back to the planet scene, then slowly goes back to the caves to end the film. This one will come into consideration if you go on concept. We as an audience will understand the film, as it's a film we will expect to see in the cinema.

Telling lies beginning starts when he gets a phone call, and picks up, in the middle is all the swearing, the tones of there voices, they are different throughout the story, on what happened last night, then the ending you have the credits with a phone call from his mother shouting down the phone at him. we as an audience will aso understand this film as it has a traditional narative to this film.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

You need to explain the effect that a traditional or non traditional narrative has on the way we, the audience take meaning from it.