Friday 17 October 2008


The reaction in the group was all different with all the twelve videos we watched, some people in the class had never seen experimental videos before, so it was all new to them, everyone’s face expressions were different like boredom, or you had people just staring looking so into the video like nothing will make them look away, then you have the ones who laughed at some.

It really does not matter; if someone likes a certain one and someone else does not, we all have our own personal views, some of us might think things are funny, when other people will think it crap, and even people that think a video was absolutely boring, some other person might think it was very interesting.

It is not important that we all have one interpretation, if the main meaning is picked up im the same way, it can be open to all sorts of interpretations.
It does not really matter if the artist has a different message to any of the audience as they will look at their works in different ways, so they will have different expectations.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Does it matter if the artist has a different message to one the audience receives?