Tuesday 16 December 2008

You can see the words coming up on screen which are in my film
My Audience viewing my Film

Monday 15 December 2008

My Evaluation

I got my idea from the video Telling Lies I saw in class I thought that was extremely good and very well done. So I got some ideas together of what I was going to do, then I read this book for my journalism course work at it inspired me to do a film of it, it was called Girls Under Pressure, the main points of the book I took out to use for my film they were, one of the three girls walked around like a slut/tart, another girl from the three went in for a modelling competition and the other was extremely jealous of both her two friends, also her boyfriend found someone else, and she started dieting to lose weight. So I based my film around about eight questions on these subjects.

I wanted it to be an audio like Telling Lies so I got a voice recorder and done a vox pox sort of thing, I interviewed five girl’s and three boy’s and they gave me there views on my subject, and I thought I went pretty well, they all gave me good answers and at the end I had about twelve minutes of audio and I had to cut it down to five minuets which was quit hard.

When I had finished I had to import it on to this programme called Adobe Reader which when I was shown was easy, I just had to wait for all my work from the voice recorder to be put on to this programme, then I saved it to my memory stick and import it to the mac computers which I always have problems with, and start adding text, and shorting my work down to five minutes.

The only problems I kept on having was, one when I was adding some text (which was the questions I asked the people in my movie), to put in to my own style, and having colour that I wanted, on to my movie, the computer kept on either, crashing or giving me two clips with the same text which was really annoying, also I had to get the right piece if text to the right answer which got quiet annoying so I had to split all voice clips and the text clips to get it all in the right places, it was a good job I kept saving my work otherwise I would have had to the same pieces of work over again.

I am very proud of my experimental video, have worked really hard on it, the things I would change it the style of the text as it is quiet hard to read, and also get rid of the noise between each answer where I joined the clips together, I do not know why it is there cause I did not overlap them.
I enjoyed making this video and thank you Chris, Sarah, Steph, Amy, Harry, Mark, Lauz for answering my questions and helping me out.

Friday 12 December 2008

Post Production

When i was editing my film i had about twelve minuets of audio and i could only have five minuets, so i had a heck of a lot to cut out.

First i put it onto a music programme on windows XP and that took me about twenty minuets to do but it was easy, then i saved what i had done to my memory stick and put it on the mac computers and import it to ImovieHD which i found was ok as i had done it before, then i cut out the bits that i did not want, and all the parts that went wrong, i cut out the silent parts in each video and got it down to about five minuets and sixty seconds.

I had all my audio completed and was very pleased with it, all i had to do is put my words in which at the start would not go as the mac computer kept crashing on me everytime i had changed my font size, colour, and the style i wanted, it just would not go, it took me three lessons to get it all right, the only thing that i could not get rid of is the little click you hear between every answer you hear, but i am very pleased with the end result.


On Wednesday 27 October 2008 i started interviewing at 9.30am on the stair way on the fourth floor, and i interviewed the people i wanted in my movie, i had to ask nine different questions to about six people, and they gave me there opinions on each question, and i thought it went really well, there were some answers i got from the boy's that were not really suitable for piece, also i had about fifteen minuets of audio when i had finished interviewing everyone, also i got some answers which had some silent moments from the people i was interviewing, most of the answers i got though were very good and i had completed my interviewing at around 10am. Then i took the recorder home and interviewd two members of my family which took about ten minuets, i have got to say they were not really good answers though.

Monday 1 December 2008

I will be asking four Questions:

  • What did you think of the Video?

  • Would you have change any part of the video or where i am viewing it?

  • Do you agree with what the people were saying in the video?

  • do you think not that not having the images created an extra effect?

Exhibition/Installation Plan

I will be showing my Experimental film down in one of the radio studios at Crawley Hospital, on Wednesday 10th November 2008, and as I am on the radio down there as a DJ, I will be able to turn off the main lights, and just keep the small lamps on so there will be a bit of light for health and safety reasons, I want people to know where they are going and where they are, so they do not fall over anything. I would like a male audience to view my film because it is the female’s opinions that they feel pressured by them. As my film needs to be in the dark to create an atmosphere, so the people viewing my film can concentrate on what the people are actually saying in my film, and will just be watching words and sentences flashing up on screen, which are the questions I asked the actors in my film, there are no picture’s at any point in my film.
I will only be having about two people at a time viewing my film, as I want it to look like one of those machines you get in shops, museums and public places, were you usually pick up the headphones and listen to a certain story, or some music, something like that, but I will not be having headphones I will be showing it on a portable DVD player which I am borrowing off some body in the class, which also means there will not be one certain volume, the people that are viewing my film will be able to tweak the volume if they wish if it is a bit loud or to low.