Monday 15 December 2008

My Evaluation

I got my idea from the video Telling Lies I saw in class I thought that was extremely good and very well done. So I got some ideas together of what I was going to do, then I read this book for my journalism course work at it inspired me to do a film of it, it was called Girls Under Pressure, the main points of the book I took out to use for my film they were, one of the three girls walked around like a slut/tart, another girl from the three went in for a modelling competition and the other was extremely jealous of both her two friends, also her boyfriend found someone else, and she started dieting to lose weight. So I based my film around about eight questions on these subjects.

I wanted it to be an audio like Telling Lies so I got a voice recorder and done a vox pox sort of thing, I interviewed five girl’s and three boy’s and they gave me there views on my subject, and I thought I went pretty well, they all gave me good answers and at the end I had about twelve minutes of audio and I had to cut it down to five minuets which was quit hard.

When I had finished I had to import it on to this programme called Adobe Reader which when I was shown was easy, I just had to wait for all my work from the voice recorder to be put on to this programme, then I saved it to my memory stick and import it to the mac computers which I always have problems with, and start adding text, and shorting my work down to five minutes.

The only problems I kept on having was, one when I was adding some text (which was the questions I asked the people in my movie), to put in to my own style, and having colour that I wanted, on to my movie, the computer kept on either, crashing or giving me two clips with the same text which was really annoying, also I had to get the right piece if text to the right answer which got quiet annoying so I had to split all voice clips and the text clips to get it all in the right places, it was a good job I kept saving my work otherwise I would have had to the same pieces of work over again.

I am very proud of my experimental video, have worked really hard on it, the things I would change it the style of the text as it is quiet hard to read, and also get rid of the noise between each answer where I joined the clips together, I do not know why it is there cause I did not overlap them.
I enjoyed making this video and thank you Chris, Sarah, Steph, Amy, Harry, Mark, Lauz for answering my questions and helping me out.

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