Monday 1 December 2008

Exhibition/Installation Plan

I will be showing my Experimental film down in one of the radio studios at Crawley Hospital, on Wednesday 10th November 2008, and as I am on the radio down there as a DJ, I will be able to turn off the main lights, and just keep the small lamps on so there will be a bit of light for health and safety reasons, I want people to know where they are going and where they are, so they do not fall over anything. I would like a male audience to view my film because it is the female’s opinions that they feel pressured by them. As my film needs to be in the dark to create an atmosphere, so the people viewing my film can concentrate on what the people are actually saying in my film, and will just be watching words and sentences flashing up on screen, which are the questions I asked the actors in my film, there are no picture’s at any point in my film.
I will only be having about two people at a time viewing my film, as I want it to look like one of those machines you get in shops, museums and public places, were you usually pick up the headphones and listen to a certain story, or some music, something like that, but I will not be having headphones I will be showing it on a portable DVD player which I am borrowing off some body in the class, which also means there will not be one certain volume, the people that are viewing my film will be able to tweak the volume if they wish if it is a bit loud or to low.

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