Tuesday 6 January 2009

Tuesday 16 December 2008

You can see the words coming up on screen which are in my film
My Audience viewing my Film

Monday 15 December 2008

My Evaluation

I got my idea from the video Telling Lies I saw in class I thought that was extremely good and very well done. So I got some ideas together of what I was going to do, then I read this book for my journalism course work at it inspired me to do a film of it, it was called Girls Under Pressure, the main points of the book I took out to use for my film they were, one of the three girls walked around like a slut/tart, another girl from the three went in for a modelling competition and the other was extremely jealous of both her two friends, also her boyfriend found someone else, and she started dieting to lose weight. So I based my film around about eight questions on these subjects.

I wanted it to be an audio like Telling Lies so I got a voice recorder and done a vox pox sort of thing, I interviewed five girl’s and three boy’s and they gave me there views on my subject, and I thought I went pretty well, they all gave me good answers and at the end I had about twelve minutes of audio and I had to cut it down to five minuets which was quit hard.

When I had finished I had to import it on to this programme called Adobe Reader which when I was shown was easy, I just had to wait for all my work from the voice recorder to be put on to this programme, then I saved it to my memory stick and import it to the mac computers which I always have problems with, and start adding text, and shorting my work down to five minutes.

The only problems I kept on having was, one when I was adding some text (which was the questions I asked the people in my movie), to put in to my own style, and having colour that I wanted, on to my movie, the computer kept on either, crashing or giving me two clips with the same text which was really annoying, also I had to get the right piece if text to the right answer which got quiet annoying so I had to split all voice clips and the text clips to get it all in the right places, it was a good job I kept saving my work otherwise I would have had to the same pieces of work over again.

I am very proud of my experimental video, have worked really hard on it, the things I would change it the style of the text as it is quiet hard to read, and also get rid of the noise between each answer where I joined the clips together, I do not know why it is there cause I did not overlap them.
I enjoyed making this video and thank you Chris, Sarah, Steph, Amy, Harry, Mark, Lauz for answering my questions and helping me out.

Friday 12 December 2008

Post Production

When i was editing my film i had about twelve minuets of audio and i could only have five minuets, so i had a heck of a lot to cut out.

First i put it onto a music programme on windows XP and that took me about twenty minuets to do but it was easy, then i saved what i had done to my memory stick and put it on the mac computers and import it to ImovieHD which i found was ok as i had done it before, then i cut out the bits that i did not want, and all the parts that went wrong, i cut out the silent parts in each video and got it down to about five minuets and sixty seconds.

I had all my audio completed and was very pleased with it, all i had to do is put my words in which at the start would not go as the mac computer kept crashing on me everytime i had changed my font size, colour, and the style i wanted, it just would not go, it took me three lessons to get it all right, the only thing that i could not get rid of is the little click you hear between every answer you hear, but i am very pleased with the end result.


On Wednesday 27 October 2008 i started interviewing at 9.30am on the stair way on the fourth floor, and i interviewed the people i wanted in my movie, i had to ask nine different questions to about six people, and they gave me there opinions on each question, and i thought it went really well, there were some answers i got from the boy's that were not really suitable for piece, also i had about fifteen minuets of audio when i had finished interviewing everyone, also i got some answers which had some silent moments from the people i was interviewing, most of the answers i got though were very good and i had completed my interviewing at around 10am. Then i took the recorder home and interviewd two members of my family which took about ten minuets, i have got to say they were not really good answers though.

Monday 1 December 2008

I will be asking four Questions:

  • What did you think of the Video?

  • Would you have change any part of the video or where i am viewing it?

  • Do you agree with what the people were saying in the video?

  • do you think not that not having the images created an extra effect?

Exhibition/Installation Plan

I will be showing my Experimental film down in one of the radio studios at Crawley Hospital, on Wednesday 10th November 2008, and as I am on the radio down there as a DJ, I will be able to turn off the main lights, and just keep the small lamps on so there will be a bit of light for health and safety reasons, I want people to know where they are going and where they are, so they do not fall over anything. I would like a male audience to view my film because it is the female’s opinions that they feel pressured by them. As my film needs to be in the dark to create an atmosphere, so the people viewing my film can concentrate on what the people are actually saying in my film, and will just be watching words and sentences flashing up on screen, which are the questions I asked the actors in my film, there are no picture’s at any point in my film.
I will only be having about two people at a time viewing my film, as I want it to look like one of those machines you get in shops, museums and public places, were you usually pick up the headphones and listen to a certain story, or some music, something like that, but I will not be having headphones I will be showing it on a portable DVD player which I am borrowing off some body in the class, which also means there will not be one certain volume, the people that are viewing my film will be able to tweak the volume if they wish if it is a bit loud or to low.

Thursday 20 November 2008

The Questions I am going to ask for my Experimental Video:

· How do you feel about your looks?
· If you are in a relationship do you worry about his reaction if you are still not ready?
· Do you think boy’s pressure girls into having sex?
· Do you think boys sometimes get the wrong idea with flirting or sex things like that?
· How does a model influence girls today?
· Would you go to the extreme by changing your self to become like a model?
· Would you have plastic surgery to change any part of your body?
· If you get into the wrong crowd would you be tempted to do what they do like knife, drugs, guns, etc....
· (BOY) if a girl walked around looking like a slut/tart and was flirting with you but did not want sex would you be disappointed?

Monday 20 October 2008




DURATION…..Max 5 mins


AUDIO……people talking and there be some music

OUTLINE OF AUDIENCE…..Mainly youngsters


Girls talking about the pressure they have on them, being with boys, and having sex, they will be teeling me, when they think the time is right, as some girls are affraid what the boys think of them if they say no, also what age should you start if there is an age. They will be telling me if they have had any bad experiances, Also boys and girls talk about being in certain groups, and forced to either smoke or take drugs. I will also be asking girls about how they feel about they looks, and also helping out girls with there apperances.
The images i am going to use is healthly food, un-healthy food, and magazines pictures of slim people. mostly black screen with people talking in the background.


I will be having people giving there views on the subjects and talk amongst each other so there will be no certain characters.

Friday 17 October 2008


Film content review sheet
Name of film……………Pressure on girls
Name of creator or films artist……………………….Me
Duration………3 mins aprox
Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)…………….
It would probably a black screen with girls talking, so you can not see who is talking.
Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic , does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)….........
There will be just speaking, it will be non-diegetic
What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is..........
About girls talking about being pressured about things like weight, sex, looks, friendship, drinking, smoking, stealing getting in the wrong crowd
What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film.........
It might change girl’s views on things and worry about things girls worry about. The boy’s might actually, think about girls feelings and not just take advantage


The reaction in the group was all different with all the twelve videos we watched, some people in the class had never seen experimental videos before, so it was all new to them, everyone’s face expressions were different like boredom, or you had people just staring looking so into the video like nothing will make them look away, then you have the ones who laughed at some.

It really does not matter; if someone likes a certain one and someone else does not, we all have our own personal views, some of us might think things are funny, when other people will think it crap, and even people that think a video was absolutely boring, some other person might think it was very interesting.

It is not important that we all have one interpretation, if the main meaning is picked up im the same way, it can be open to all sorts of interpretations.
It does not really matter if the artist has a different message to any of the audience as they will look at their works in different ways, so they will have different expectations.

5.My Inspirations

The work that has inspired me is Telling lies I have never seen that anything like that before it was very creative, I could do something like that, but change the conversation, knowing me I would have a real girl chat going on, or just something to do with music, I could have an argument going.
Another one I liked was Ludias I could do something like that, now that was very creative mind you I would change it to rock, though it was clever I am not saying its crap, I just do not like rap. Instead of having beep boxing, I would have people on drums or guitars with doing different beats, and notes to a rythm, It would not be as good as Telling Lies or Ludias though.


The exhibition space has great effect on the video also how we look at the work.
The environment in which you view a piece of work can change the meaning of the work.Videos and films are shown in all sorts of places such as cinema's, school's, in your own home, in theaters, gallery's and museums. It sometimes depends on the context where you see the specific work, like if you were to view the piece of work in a school or museum it will be classed as an educational piece, then if you were in a public place it will be classed as advertising when it comes to cinema its for entertainment value. Each location has its own importance, like you would not go to the cinema and see a film that you would see in school or college, or you would not expect to be in a public place and see a blockbuster, the pieces of work have there own appropriate place’s.
When we went to the Tate modern to look at 5 experimental pieces. The first piece we looked at was Dominique Gonzalez called the Turbine Hall, the concept was all about being 50 years in the future and it is constantly raining outside, there were blue and yellow metal bunk beds with large sculptures that overshadow them, the idea was that the sculptures were moved inside so they did not get wet. I did not really see the video; I just saw this huge screen at the rear end of the hall.

The one I am comparing it with is the one in the states of flux area on the 5th floor in room 8 of the gallery, it was called Psi Girls by Susan Hiller, this piece fascinated me, it was shown in a dark long room with 5 screens, which all showed images/ clips from films that are all about girls who can use telekinesis also to do with emotions, all the screens were in different colours which were, Red, Pink, Green, Blue and orangey/gold as each clip finishes the clip would swap to a different colour and a different screen, it was very clever mind you if you had watched the pieces of work in a diffident atmosphere it would not have been the same. It was the best one there I thought it was very clever the way it was done.

Tuesday 7 October 2008


Every video we watched have a narrative structure although some are more obvious than others, Some of the films we looked at had a narrative order but with exceptions, 1001 nights there is no traditional structure to this film, as there are five short stories told by women, when they open, the film does not have a certain order begging, middle, and end so what ever it is structured the meaning does not change the coordination, we th audience would probably see this film as very strange as it's not a traditional narative order.

Then you have Koyaanisqatsi at the beginning is the cave drawings with calm music, costing to make this film would have been alot, as there is an Arial view of the planet, it must of been from a helicopter. In the middle it shows day to day life, everyone at work, the creator has put it in fast forward motion to make it look, the whole world is in a rush, during the film there is this slow explosion which is the conclusion how the world will end, then it goes back to the planet scene, then slowly goes back to the caves to end the film. This one will come into consideration if you go on concept. We as an audience will understand the film, as it's a film we will expect to see in the cinema.

Telling lies beginning starts when he gets a phone call, and picks up, in the middle is all the swearing, the tones of there voices, they are different throughout the story, on what happened last night, then the ending you have the credits with a phone call from his mother shouting down the phone at him. we as an audience will aso understand this film as it has a traditional narative to this film.


With the TECHNOLOGY in Telling lies comes from today’s era, so the cameras are a much better quality, and there are a lot more round now, where as in The Girl Chewing Gum it was made 30 years ago so the technology would of been different then, and not many cameras in those days.

The TECHNIQUES in Telling lies is a different class of its own, as the writing is timed so perfectly with the audio soundtrack going in the background, there is also the pace and rhythm of the film, compared with 1001 nights were there was no rhythm, you just see five women in a line, they open there eyes to speak, then shut them again, to let the next woman speak. We know it has been filmed at different times as there is a pause between each person, that’s why there is a blank screen behind them.

The STYLES in 1001 nights was studio lights it was heavily edited copmared with Telling lies which is also heavily edited, it does not have any lighting. with The girl chewing gum that is natural lighting as it was filmed outside.

1. Discuss

We looked at a few pieces of experimental video we looked at, Koyaanisqasti, by Godfrey Reggio in 1982, The second was, 1001 nights by Jananne Al-Ani made in 1998.

They are only similar in the concept aspects, as they are both different pieces, with a similar idea behind them. The concept is the same as they give you a sequence into the future. As they both give you an insight to what is expected, of the world in chaos, mind you in 1001 nights its five Young women telling other peoples stories and experiences of war and in Koyaanisqsti its more a metaphorical message that comes across.

We also watched 'The Girl Chewing Gum' and 'Telling Lies' these videos stand out individually with a unique concept then any other video we have watched.

The Girl Chewing Gum gives you an idea, that it is being directed as it is being filmed, It soon becomes obvious when some birds fly across the frame when they say, this film is a both concept and craft, it is hard to say which of the two is stronger, as the concept is very clever also strong. It must have been a lot of effort and time to make this video. The craft and concept for this film have got to be equal.
Like I said the video for Telling Lies is a unique film as well very a clever concept, mind you it does rely on the more concept base, if you can not grasp the concept by others for this piece it would have no foundation. It mainly works on the fact that often people will say one thing, but think something else, it maybe to stop hurting someone’s feelings with a small lie, or it could be just to save your own back and not telling the truth, the film is everyone having a conversation whilst on the telephone, we are listening to the conversations between the people, while we are reading what the person talking is actually thinking, although no doubt a lot of time was taken to make the video, the basis and main structure for Telling lies definitely has a in concept.
COLOUR in telling lies is just a black screen, with rainbow words flashing up on screen, there is no picture in any of the frames, as the people are talking, that is different from 1001 nights, this film has grey screen with a black strip across the middle, with five woman just standing there, in the frames, then in ludias film the colour is natural, you can say its not a professional film.

DIEGETIC Ludias film was as you could see the noise that was going on, five people using parts of their body such as their hands, mouths, and the props he used to make a rhythm. Also it’s the same for 1001 nights you can see the Five woman all lined up talking and the only other sound is the crackling in the background, where as Telling lies is non-diegetic as you can not see them talking you just here it.

PACE in koyaanisqatsi is very slow then it speeds up and goes fast then it calms down and goes very slow to the end, compared to telling lies were it is just speedy all the way through, till the end were it calms down for the credits then it’s a bit fast and it stops, and 1001nights its just the same pace all the way through, there’s no change.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Craft and Concept

The Craft in experimental films is all the colours, special effects and the use of all the different types of camera angles, also using computers to create something people use in the pieces of work, to make them generally good, its all in the imagination, what people see in there own eyes. The Craft in art base is about the creation of an original piece of work from a creator such as leonardo di vinchi his work is very hard to fake.
The Concept in experimental film is the meaning of the persons actual piece of work, and you can look at it in so many ways, like a video I saw with the world in fast forward passing this boy sitting on a bench staring at the camera, then gets up and the film speeds round the town. to me it was the everyday world in fast motion, but people will look at it in there own way.

The Second Picture I Took At Brighton

This ia an particular angle of an grafitti wall, is to me intresting as it caught my eye, thinking about the dark side of Brighton, the two people look hurt in so much pain, they are screaming, it is fantastic art work.

Monday 29 September 2008

Video of the student

The other video i have chosen is a last years media studant called ludias:
now his video was very creative, he had a few people in his video beeb boxing and making noises with there teeth, hands, mouth, it all went into a rythum, it was just so clever the way it was done. he was an amazing beeb boxer very creative, it has gave me some ideas for my piece of experimental video. mind you i will not be able to get to his standered.


The class watched two experimental videos, three were profesional and three were from studants last year, and we are to chose two out of all of them, and write what we think about each.

my first one I really like was "Telling lies", which was one of the profesional one's created by Simon Ellis. The duration of the clip is 4 minuets long. The cast are Tim Cunningham, Sarah Tutt, Juliet Jones, Shaun Mechen, Penny Linfield

His video was just a conversation between a load of people, about what happened last night. The main person was a young guy, he was called at three in the afternoon, he was not happy about that, as he was out last night with a few mates, and they all slept with others ,which they were not suposed to, then they all start lying to each other pretending nothing happened.

you dont see anything, you just here all there conversations between them, and you just see the diffrent coloured word's coming up on screen.

it was very funny to listern to, its just the type of thing youngters get up to these days, one of the voices was the main charecters mum, we were just chuckling away at them talking to each other.

Monday 22 September 2008

Brighton Trip

This picture shows that Brighton looks like a dumping ground, nobody cares, no one has respect for there town, they just dump all there rubish anywhere, and just leave it. Thats why i took it as we were supose to be looking at the dark side of the town, there was grafitti all over the walls over grown weeds.

what does Experimental Media mean

Hi everyone,
my name is Jill and i am on a media course and i will be telling you all about the media industry.

To me experimental media means trying all types of technology in the media industry like cameras, radio equipment, memory sticks, and anything else you need to use in media, experimenting with them, by useing them in diffrent ways, by daring to do more then just turn on the camera and recording a sertain scene or just taking a simple photo. you need to get diffrent expectations out of just using a simple piece of equipment.

out of the Experimental Media i would like to be able to produce either a radio/music blog or just a bit of filming and a few photos to this intresting website.